One of the things I love about photo sessions is how they freeze our lives in place. Years from now, we'll be able to time travel back into these brief moments with our children merely by looking at a beautiful photograph. Oh yes, that’s what it felt like to touch her feet. To smell his soft curls. To lean my head against hers.
And it’s amazing to see not just one moment in our lives captured, but a series of moments over the years. Clients who’ve come back to the studio more than once get to see more than one of those bonding moments, those deeply special connections. Look how small her hands were next to mine. And look at his squishy little round cheeks. Was he ever that small? Photographs can be such a gift, and it’s my joy to get to take part in the process of freezing those memories. A physical representation of your love for your children growing, maturing, expanding through the years. I've photographed this sweet mama and her son every year for three years, since he was 8 months old. It's been really touching to see him grow up, and to see his mom evolve as a parent. Their sessions are always such a beautiful representation of their love, and their evolving relationship, and I really treasure getting to see this sweet boy growing up. Nothing stands still in childhood. Things change minute to minute, day to day. And we change with it. You can see in these photographs how these two have evolved. It's absolutely stunning. How can so much shift in just a few years?