During bonding sessions with a baby or a toddler, breastfeeding is always an option. Some women tell me it's something they want to capture, but that it would require a bit of bravery on their part. Nursing is an intimate thing, and we don't usually share it with others -- especially a camera. It's absolutely something you can choose to keep private -- you can tell me not to share the images of you nursing. You can keep them for you and your children -- a sacred record of your early bond. Or you can lean in and share the photographs. After all -- what could be more exciting, and more beautiful, than a portrait of you nursing your sweet one? I always invite women to nurse in the studio if they want to. On or off camera. With me in the room or not. If a child needs nourishment, we can absolutely take a break during a session. You never have to feel an ounce of pressure to nurse, especially on camera. But nursing is an incredibly special act, and if you do want to capture it, I am so on board. If you're wanting to capture your nursing experience, but are worried about being too exposed, we can always talk about different ways for me to help you cover up. Nursing doesn't have to show much of your body, if you don't want to. Some women take off their shirts for nursing photos. Some women keep their tops on and just lift or lower them enough for their babies to access their breast for nursing. Nursing isn't necessarily going to be a big part of your session. Maybe you'll nurse for two minutes, maybe you'll nurse for the whole time. Most women nurse for about 3-5 minutes total. We'll capture the experience, and move on to other types of snuggling and play. Nursing a babe is so personal and so individualized. The way we hold our babies, especially as they get older, and how their bodies fit with ours. How we talk to our toddlers about breastfeeding and our bodies, and what it means for them to take their nourishment from us directly. Breastfeeding is so intimate and personal, and, frankly, one of my absolute favorite ways to capture a bonding pair. Because the way you feed your baby is unique to you, and absolutely gorgeous.